Welcome to PropVR! Here you can create, share and track interactive 3D virtual tours with ease, and collaborate on them with inbuilt voice and video chat.

  1. Select Edit Project on the Newly created project (Click here if you want to learn how to add Project)


  1. This will take you to the editing window. Here start by adding your pano images to the tour. Click Add Images


  1. In the new interface, we have added media library which makes it easy for you to upload and manage images in the tours. Click on Upload Images and select the panos that you want to upload.


<aside> 💡 Pro-Tips for upload: PropVR enables you to maintain the pano names from the file system. Thus, to save time renaming, you can rename the panos on desktop and upload at once.


Something we didn't cover? Message us in the website chat Or email us at [email protected] ✌️