<aside> 💡 We strongly recommend you to take yearly plans if you are publishing your projects for clients, as the link will automatically stop working if payment not made.


Plan 0: Free Plan

You can use all the features of PropVR in all our plans. The free plan is for anyone to try out the platform and get used to it. It can also be used to create your project and showcase it privately to your clients using your login. For publishing the tours to public, you need to upgrade to one of the plans below.

This allows freelancers and photographers to pay only once the client starts paying and you are ready to go live.

Plan 1: Starter Plan

This plan is for 1 Active space, where active space refers to published tours. With this plan you can put up to 50 panos in one link and publish it to public view and sharing.



Plan 2: Growth Plan

This plan is for 5 Active spaces, where active space refers to published tours. With this plan you can put up to 50 panos in five different links and publish it to public view and sharing.



Plan 3: Professional Plan

This plan is for 10 Active spaces, where active space refers to published tours. With this plan you can put up to 50 panos in ten different links and publish it to public view and sharing.



Plan 3: Business Plan

This plan is for 25 Active spaces, where active space refers to published tours. With this plan you can put up to 50 panos in twenty five different links and publish it to public view and sharing.



Need more than 25 Active spaces?

Message us in the website chat Or email us at [email protected] ✌️