Welcome to PropVR! Here you can create, share and track interactive 3D virtual tours with ease, and collaborate on them with inbuilt voice and video chat.

  1. To get started on a project, sign up or sign in on PropVR platform - https://propvr.tech/login


  1. Choose PropVR Creator


  1. Click on Create New Project


  1. Fill in the virtual tour project details - Project Name (Unique name for your reference - cannot be changed), Display Name (What Client needs - can be changed anytime) and Thumbnail for your project (for reference of project)


  1. Select Edit Project on the newly created project


  1. This will take you to the editing window. Here start by adding your pano images to the tour. Click Add Images


  1. In the new interface, we have added media library which makes it easy for you to upload and manage images in the tours. Click on Upload Images and select the panos that you want to upload.


  1. Once uploaded, click on the panos you want to include in the tour, and click Add to Tour


  1. At first, you can reorder the images as per the order desired by you or client. To re-order you can simply drag and reorder and press Save.